Supporting Bryant and Pattengill is Easy!
Fundraiser Events
While dues, donations, shopper loyalty, and PTO thrift shop support are all important parts of our yearly income, the majority of our fundraising comes from our 2 biggest events. While it is true that the Ice Cream Social and the Fall Fun Run are wonderful opportunities for our students to come together with their community and have fun, the earnings from these events also provide the foundation from which we can help support the schools throughout the year.
Shopper Loyalty Programs
You can support the Bryant/Pattengill PTO by participating in any of these shopper loyalty programs:
Box Tops For Education
Busch's Cash for Education
Kroger Community Rewards
Click HERE for information on how to enroll.
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop
In support of the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop mission, profits from sales are distributed to participating AAPS school PTOs, PTSOs, and 501c3s which sponsor clubs, organizations, teams, and enrichment activities in their schools.
Fundraising support from the A2PTO Thrift Shop is based on participation: we rely on the support of school PTOs and their communities for our inventory and regular promotion of our shop. The more AAPS groups participate with us, the more they can earn.
Visit the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop.
Alongside our shopper loyalty programs, support from the Ann Arbor PRO thrift shop, and funds raised through events (Ice Cream Social, the PTO Fun Run, Restaurant Nights, etc...) we rely on direct donations to be able to provide events and curriculum enhancements for the schools. Donations can come in the form of PTO Dues, contributions to the general fund, or gifts tasked to a specific event. Your financial contribution to the Bryant/Pattengill PTO goes directly into the PTO budget—100 percent of your support goes to those activities that enhance our children’s school experience! We are committed to give every child in our “Super Pair” an equal opportunity to participate on every level.
Click HERE to donate!