PTO Event Sponsorship

Below are several options for donating financially to the Bryant/Pattengill PTO. Our PTO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your financial contribution to the Bryant/Pattengill PTO goes directly into the PTO budget—100 percent of your support goes to those activities that enhance our children’s school experience! We are committed to give every child in our “Super Pair” an equal opportunity to participate on every level.

The Bryant/Pattengill PTO contributes tens of thousands of dollars each year on behalf of our 500+ students. Funds are replaced each year through three main fundraisers: annual Fall Fun Run (fall), our Dues Drive (winter), and the end-of-the-year Ice Cream Social (spring). 

All donations are tax deductible.

Ice Cream Social

The Bryant/Pattengill Ice Cream Social brings students and their families together to have fun, celebrate our CommUNITY, and enjoy plenty of tasty treats while also providing an opportunity to fundraise for the Bryant/Pattengill PTO. The event features carnival games; a raffle with lots of great items; and loads of ice cream, pizza, and other tasty things to munch on. Students, families, teachers, and staff come together to have a wonderful evening. Every dollar raised by our PTO goes right back into the schools supporting enrichment and community-building events.

For more information about the ice cream social please click here.

To sponsor the the Ice Cream Social simply make a tax deductible donation at any of the following levels:

$250 - Bronze

$500 - Silver

$1,000+ Gold

Donors at each level will be recognized at the event, in our newsletters, and on our PTO Ice Cream Social Website until the next Ice Cream Social in 2024. They will also receive tagged thank yous from our social media channels. As the sponsorship moves up in level, your business' logo size will increase. A Gold Level donation will upgrade your business logo location to our PTO Homepage in addition to the Ice Cream Social Page.