Ice Cream Social

The Bryant/Pattengill Ice Cream Social brings students and their families together to have fun, celebrate our CommUNITY, and enjoy plenty of tasty treats while also providing an opportunity to fundraise for the Bryant/Pattengill PTO. The event features carnival games; a raffle with lots of great items; and loads of ice cream, pizza, and other tasty things to munch on. Students, families, teachers, and staff come together to have a wonderful evening. Every dollar raised by our PTO goes right back into the schools supporting enrichment and community-building events.

Event Details:

The 2024 Ice Cream Social will be on the Pattengill playground May 17th from 5:30-7:30

Tickets for the games, food, and raffle will be available to purchase ahead of time and at the event. A form will come home with your student and we will have specific information available here when it becomes available.

More information on the activities will be posted as it is finalized.

How to help us raise funds:

Families are able to help contribute financially to the Ice Cream Social in the following ways:

2024 Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors ($1000+ donation):

Silver Sponsors ($500+ donation):

Bronze Sponsors ($250+ donation):

Additional Sponsors:

We would also like to thank all of the volunteers who have contributed their time and effort to help plan and put on this event as well as all everyone who has contributed financially to help support our schools.